The Church Desperately Needs the Holy Spirit

I blown away when my brother-in-law (who is also my pastor) called and asked if I would preach for our second service – our International service.

Two weeks in a row.

I was actually speechless (which for him was quite an accomplishment – not many people can do that to me!)

God laid a word so heavy on my heart – I could hard breathe all week.

I wept over these messages. I prayed daily — because I felt so strongly that this would be a word our people needed.

I spoke first on Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit, and secondly How to Walk in the Fullness of the Holy Spirit.

I pray these videos are a blessing and encouragement to you.

I feel so strongly that the Church today is powerless because we have neglected the importance of the the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues.

For whatever reason: maybe because we want to seem more cultured, or because we have forgotten, or because we don’t believe in as strongly….

Whatever the reason may be, we have set Him in a corner while we turn to experts and marketing strategies to grow our church.

And we end up with Monster Trucks and shirtless men on a pole in our church – thinking that will bring people in.

It’s tragic!

And the greatest tragedy isn’t two pastors having it out in the media for the world to see.

Yes, that’s tragic…..and shameful.

What’s really tragic is that we have a Church that has stopped believing the Holy Spirit is enough to bring in lost souls and change lives.

When we have the Holy Spirit, we don’t need entertainment and gimmicks.


And that is why I’ve written the series of articles below – plus offer resources on my blog.

Listen, I’m not ashamed to say: I believe in the Holy Spirit.

I believe in the power of speaking in tongues.

I believe this gift is for every believer “as many as the Lord our God shall call.”

And I believe that without this gift, our power to do the works Jesus did is limited.

I hope you’ll visit these posts and I pray they will encourage you.

How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

3 Powerful Reasons Why We Need the Power of the Holy Spirit More Than Ever

4 Reasons Why You Need the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues Prayer and Meditation Journal

10 Bible Verses on the Holy Spirit and Speaking in Tongues Bible Verse Cards – Free Download

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