How I Became a Missionary to Croatia

In order to tell my story, I have to go back to the year 1991. I was a senior in high school and traveling with my dad and a friend to Europe.

We visited Germany, Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic. The entire trip was roughly 12 days – and for me it was about 10 days too long.

Everything was millennia old, in most places the water wasn’t drinkable and I was tired of tea and juice.

The food was weird.

I just wanted Fuddruckers, water, and to see something built in this century.

This is precisely how I knew God had not called me to the mission field.

I no longer recommend this method of confirming whether God has or has not called.

Clearly, it is not reliable! 😂

Fast-forward roughly 8 years.

I have moved from Portland, OR to Dallas, TX where I am studying….ironically at a missions school that had a very good music program – which was why I was there. Right God? Right?!?

In the heat of summer, serving as a camp counselor for their summer teen camp (my way of avoiding going on a short-term mission trip – which is what the vast majority of the other students did), I hear God calling me to the mission field.

Here’s how I know it was God. Because it would not have ever been me thinking such a thought.

So, there it was. Hanging right there over my head and now I’m wondering why – out of all of the viable ministry options on Planet Earth – God had to go and choose that one!

Why God!

And it was as if I had never heard the story of Jonah and the Whale before, because I went and pulled a Jonah.

I ran.

And I ran hard – headlong into rebellion. Right there in Bible school.

It didn’t end any better for me than it did for Jonah.

The following summer – miserable and weighed down heavy with conviction – I restored my relationship with Christ and surrendered completely to Him.

I visited Croatia for the first time in 2001.

My sister was getting married, and I’d worked hard – multiple jobs – my final year of Bible school to save up for the trip.

As my parents and I boarded the plane for our trip back to Spokane, WA, here’s what came out of my mouth.

“If my sister ever wants to see me again, she’ll have to come to American because I am never going back to Croatia ever again!”

I had forgotten about that little experience in Bible school.

But God hadn’t, because a mere 2 years later I was boarding a plane bound for Croatia to visit my sister!

This time, no – not for missions. Just to see family and clear my head after a turbulent time in my life.

The first two weeks I just enjoyed spending time with her and bonding with my 1-year old nephew.

The second two weeks I spent crying —

Because I knew God was calling me to move to Croatia and serve Him on the mission field.

This time I was not only willing – but I was blown away by the vast and endless mercy and grace of God.

After all my running, after all my rebellion, He hadn’t tossed me aside.

He extended the call once again, and I was ready!

I went back home, gathered some things. Stored some things. Got rid of the rest.

And in October 2004, I moved to Croatia.

31 and single.

And next time I will share with you how I met my husband. 👰🏻🤵🏻

But I just want to leave this message with you today:

There is no better place to be than in the very center of God’s will. If you’re like me – and you feel God calling you to the very thing you don’t want to do….

if you’re afraid you won’t be qualified, you will be miserable — or have any other such negative thoughts — let me tell you….that’s a lie from the enemy.

I know without a shadow of a doubt, this is where I’m meant to be. And there is JOY in God’s will – joy you can’t believe!

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